1 min read

What do I write about?

It's been a few months since I've come here.

Heck, I've not even thought off Aweracker.com, in the last 3 months, knowing very well that I started this blog to be more regular with my writing.

Writing got me my first pay-check, so this entire blog is sort of an homage to the craft that helped me make my first 6k. But today, I am lost for a topic. Actually, I've not written because I've not had a topic for months to write about.

Should I write about:

  1. Some content or product marketing stuff? A guide, my experience, and or something around marketing fluff.
  2. Should I tell you that I am reading this book "Make Every Word Count" by Gary Provost.
  3. Or should I tell you how on weekends I want my family to vanish so I can be in complete silence and do nothing.
  4. Or, or, or, should I tell you about how think off buying myself a new car everyday. That has led me to watch 100s of Youtube videos on different car, while my bank account says, hahaha, you wish bitch.

Honestly I don't have any good topic to write and talk about, but well this whole dilemma became a blog of it's own. 😆